Wednesday 5 June 2013

The future of the Encyclopedic Museum

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Wednesday, June 5, 2013 7:30 pm, "Michael Govan and Philippe de Montebello Discuss the Encyclopedic Museum of the Future":
LACMA CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director Michael Govan and Philippe de Montebello, Director Emeritus, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Fiske Kimball Professor, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, rethink the encyclopedic museum. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition The Presence of the Past: Peter Zumthor Reconsiders LACMA. The Presence of the Past: Peter Zumthor Reconsiders LACMA, an exhibition about the proposed future of the museum's campus. Swiss architect Peter Zumthor has been commissioned to rethink the east campus, providing new insight into the meaning and function of an encyclopedic museum and the relationship of architecture to its site.

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